.. highlight:: python .. currentmodule:: relo ======= Roadmap ======= Release 0.8 =========== * **Relo Updater:** updates relo * **Graphical User Interface (GUI):** A User interface in wxPython, PyQt4 or whatever fits best. * **Settings and Defaults:** Settings * **Plugin Manager:** Control the Plugin Manager from the GUI. * **MenuBar Icon:** Make relopy easily accessible through the menu bar. * **Adapt new plugin system** custom plugin system instead of yapsy * **New Argument System** for better integration with the gui * **Documentation Updated** hopefully this will help with usage problems * **Many new doctypes** you will see soon Release 0.9 =========== * **Total modularization** The relo library is going to be split up into its counterparts so it can be used more effectively * **maybe go away from yapsy** implement own plugin system Release 1.0 =========== * **Cython** speed improvements * **Code Check** Code is going to be checked completely. w/ pylint, pyflakes and pep8 * **Tests** are going to be added Future ======