.. highlight:: bash .. module:: relo ====== ReloPy ====== This tutorial intorduces you to the relopy script which makes it easy to search your computer for anything you like. .. rubric:: A quick overview: * `Installation <#installation>`_ * `Simple start <#simple>`_ * `Complex approach <#complex>`_ .. _installation: Installation ============ You need argparse and PyPdf installed for relopy to work correctly. ReloPy is available with the Relo library on PyPi .. code-block:: bash $ sudo pip install relo # the recommended way $ sudo easy_install relo # the alternative that works most of the time You will need Python 2 installed, I recommend Python 2.7 but you should be fine with anything from 2.3 up. Furthermore I recommend on always using `virtualenv `_ .. _simple: A simple start ============== After everything is `set up <#installation>`_ you can do a quick search to verify everything works. .. note:: These are all non-recursive examples for recursive ones look `here <#complex>`_. .. rubric:: Simple filename search In your home directory: .. code-block:: bash $ relopy test or .. code-block:: bash $ relopy -n test .. note:: You can use both here since filename search is the standard search. After a short amount of time it will print out all the matching files. .. rubric:: Simple file content search In some other directory then your home directory... .. code-block:: bash $ relopy -c test This will look through the files that are in your home directory and print out any results. .. note:: As of now only files that are supported are being searched, this will be changed in the future. .. _complex: A more complex approach ======================= .. rubric:: The possibilities For a quick check on what you can do and what options are available run: .. code-block:: bash $ relopy -h # short $ relopy --help # long .. rubric:: The arguments * **Recursive (-r):** search directories recursively * **Hidden (-a):** search even hidden files * **Debug (--debug/--verbose):** Print out debug/verbose information (not implemented yet) * **Directory (-d):** Select directory to search in