.. highlight:: python .. currentmodule:: relo .. _Python: http://python.org/ .. _issues: https://github.com/cwoebker/relo/issues .. _PyPi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/relo .. _DocType: https://github.com/cwoebker/relo/tree/master/relo/doctype .. _tests: https://github.com/cwoebker/relo/tree/master/tests ======================================== Relo: Recursive Document Content Search! ======================================== Relo is a simple, lightweight and extensible Search tool and framework for Python_. It is distributed as a single script ``relopy`` and a library that can be used in other python apps. * **Content Search:** Search files recursively search a folder, with all its containing files, for a certain string. * **Name Search:** Search filenames recursively in a certain folder. * **Regex:** Use Regular Expressions to extend and improve search. * **Plugins:** Manage and use Plugins to implement support for additional doctypes. .. note:: The Relo library doesn't actually return any results yet it just prints them out. Things like this will be implemented before the final stable version. .. rubric:: Example: simple relo library :: from relo import Relo search = Relo(debug=False, hidden=False, content=True, recursive=True, directory='./', key='example') search.list() search.start() Run this script or paste it into a python console, then watch the results come in. .. note:: More control can be achieved by using the relo.core library. .. rubric:: Download and Install .. _download: You can use easy_install or pip as usual: :: easy_install relo pip install relo .. note:: Still not fully tested! .. rubric:: Dependencies .. _dependencies: Relo needs the argparse library for parsing arguments. Furthermore some of the plugins need libraries that help in loading and reading different kinds of files. As of now these libraries are: * **PyPdf:** Needed for reading pages from pdf files .. note:: The dependencies don't install automatically when installing relo for now, some issues wrapping my head around setup.py. Will be fixed soon. easy_install pypdf pip install pypdf When argparse doesn't come with your python version installed. easy_install argparse pip install argparse Usage Guide =========== Start here: * **Learn:** how to use the relo library or the relopy script. * **Contribute:** to the project. * **Contribute (DocType)** and add additional doctypes. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 relopy tutorial doctypes/index Information Base ================ A database for tutorials, guides and other links that relate to relo. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 faq contact Development and Contribution ============================ These chapters are intended for developers interested in helping with the development process. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 changelog roadmap development plugindev .. toctree:: :hidden: doctypes/index License ======= Code and documentation are available according to the BSD License: .. include:: ../LICENSE :literal: Contact ======= Email me at cwoebker@gmail.com or check the :doc:`contact` page Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [1] This is a test footnote cause I wanted to use one.