
This tutorial intorduces you to the relopy script which makes it easy to search your computer for anything you like.

A quick overview:


You need argparse and PyPdf installed for relopy to work correctly. ReloPy is available with the Relo library on PyPi

$ sudo pip install relo         # the recommended way
$ sudo easy_install relo        # the alternative that works most of the time

You will need Python 2 installed, I recommend Python 2.7 but you should be fine with anything from 2.3 up.

Furthermore I recommend on always using virtualenv

A simple start

After everything is set up you can do a quick search to verify everything works.


These are all non-recursive examples for recursive ones look here.

Simple filename search

In your home directory:

$ relopy test


$ relopy -n test


You can use both here since filename search is the standard search.

After a short amount of time it will print out all the matching files.

Simple file content search

In some other directory then your home directory...

$ relopy -c test

This will look through the files that are in your home directory and print out any results.


As of now only files that are supported are being searched, this will be changed in the future.

A more complex approach

The possibilities

For a quick check on what you can do and what options are available run:

$ relopy -h         # short
$ relopy --help     # long

The arguments

  • Recursive (-r): search directories recursively
  • Hidden (-a): search even hidden files
  • Debug (–debug/–verbose): Print out debug/verbose information (not implemented yet)
  • Directory (-d): Select directory to search in